The Dog And the Cat Shall Lie Down Together. And the Dog Shall Eat the Cat

Since North Texas is completely frozen and shut down, we had to cancel worship this morning.  So, I took the bare bones of the sermon I had prepared and made this short video instead.  I hope you enjoy it.

This was directed by Nancy Morgan.  The camera operator (iPhone 5) was Nancy Morgan.  Technical Assistant, Tamara Morgan.  The cast includes Neill Morgan as the frozen preacher, Thelma Lou as the labrador, and Lydia the Tattooed Lady as the deaf and blind mixed breed dog, and Cebu as the Skeerdy Cat.

10 thoughts on “The Dog And the Cat Shall Lie Down Together. And the Dog Shall Eat the Cat

  1. Catherine Robinson says:

    Thanks, Neill! I wasn’t able to attend worship today because I was sick. (We have snow, but not enough to cancel worship.) I’m grateful for your preaching today, and I’m grateful for this blog.

    • Neill Morgan says:

      I hope you get to feeling better soon, Catherine. And thanks for commenting here, I’ll keep posting as long as anyone is reading! I enjoyed the visit with you and Bill in September, and I hope to be out that way again soon.

  2. John McGinn says:

    Definitely something missing from my Sunday; I’m glad I didn’t have a wait a whole week for the next one. Lovely, Neill – many thanks!!

  3. Don Hays says:

    One of the things you do best, Neill, is to take an incidental encounter from your past and draw from it the essence of a Biblical message that is meaningful both to you and to others. A rare gift. Thanks for the pick-me-up on this gloomiest of frozen days.

  4. Bobbie Hays says:

    Kudos to the director and the technical director! Loved your stroll on the frozen tundra while musing on the notion of the lion and the lamb, or the dog and the cat, lying down together. Seems impossible but then we get glimpses. Thanks for those today.

  5. […] passage. Please go to “read more” and then the press link You can find it here:  Hope you enjoy […]

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